New partnership protocol established for the Northern region of Portugal!

The International School of Professional Coaching - ISPC and the Consultua Lda have as their central mission contribute to the qualitative improvement of society. Knowledge and formation are the basis of personal, organizational and regional development and ensures success in any professional area, contributing to economic and social progress.

The process of international certification in professional coaching conducted by the ISPC, is properly structured and phased according to the interests and needs of customers.

It is essential to create the opportunity for people to have access, locally, to a tool that is currently considered as the most powerful for the personal development, contributing to the increase individual and organizational performance, with consequent increase in productivity, profitability and local development.

The articulation and cooperation between various organizations it is necessary to unite efforts to face the current challenges, preparing human resources to cope with the increasing global competitiveness.

In this context, it was signed in the Vila Real, Portugal on January 15, 2014, a protocol between the Consultua / ISPC partnership with UTAD - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Nervir - Associação Empresarial de Vila Real, Centro Hospitalar de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro EPE, Câmara Municipal de Vila Real and Caritas Vila Real with the objective of bringing coaching to more people and organizations through professional training and coaching services.

Representing the various organizations were present to sign the regional protocol: Rita Messias (Consultua), Viana Abreu (ISPC), Luís Manuel Tão de Sousa Barros (NERVIR), Carlos Cadavez (Centro Hospitalar de Trás Os Montes e Alto Douro, Epe), José Maria Guedes Correia de Magalhães ( CM Vila Real), Ernesto Paulo Caetano Lúcio (Cáritas Diocesana de Vila Real) and Alberto Moreira Baptista (UTAD).
