
Maria Sereno

Academic Qualifications: 

Graduation Degree in Nursing Practice at S.João Nursing School of Porto

Post-Graduation in Nurse Anesthetist at ICBAS - Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Porto


Coaching certifications:

CAC - Certified Associate Coach by ISPC - International School of Professional Coaching
WUC - Wake Up Coaching Certified by ISPC - International School of Professional Coaching
ICIJ - TeenCoaching Certificate at ICIJ - Youth Coaching Institute, Brazil 


Teenagers Personal Growth; School TeenCoach; Family Relationship skills ; Integral wellbeing, Life Coach

Geographical working area:

Skype/Other Online Platforms - International
Physically - Portugal

Professional CV:

Coach - Life Coach (2018-…), TeenCoaching (2019-…), Anesthetist Nurse in the operating Theater of Matosinhos Hospital (2005-…), Recovery Nurse at Prelada Hospital, Porto (2002-2005)
